Welcome to Crucial Link’s New World of Digital Recruiting led by Clay®
“The best part of our Tech Stack is how it’s used by our owner operators. They have the discretion to customize and create the best possible solution for any hiring situation using the core methodology of Crucial Link to back up the results.”
This might be tough to believe so let me show you some analog examples of this digital breakthrough.
AI Interview When Scheduled Emails
This is an email box filled with scheduled interviews. Look at the times they were sent over.
Clay Nonstop Scheduling
This is an email box that shows how Clay schedules, interviews and provides reporting virtually nonstop, look at the times to the right.
AI Interview Scheduled
An email provided when an interview has been scheduled. Look at when it was sent.
AI Interview Report Email
An email provided when an interview has been completed, and its report is ready for viewing. I never get tired of saying this, look at when it was sent.
AI Interview Report Results
The 1st page of the interview report gives a basic summary and score. It also gives you an additional hiring data point. How many tabs that person had open during the interview. Were they paying attention? Were they searching Chat GPT for answers?
AI Interview Report Results – Part 1
The 1st page of the interview report gives a basic summary and score. It also gives you an additional hiring data point. How many tabs that person had open during the interview. Were they paying attention? Were they searching Chat GPT for answers?
AI Interview Report Results – Part 2
A summary of the questions and answers received from the candidate.
AI Interview Report Results – Part 3
A link to the recorded video which you have access to.
AI Interview Report Results – Part 4
The full transcript of the interview
AI Interview Report Results – Part 6
It also provides any feedback from a candidate, if any.
“If we aren’t exceeding our customers expectations while helping our owner operators succeed, we are nothing more than a ‘Me Too’ company and that’s not why I got into this!”
The Origin of Clay:
Why He is the Recruiter We Need Right Now!
We are living in an Attention Economy. We don’t live in the moment like we used to. Why would we? When we can live at any moment we want. We don’t watch movies in the theater like we used to, nor watch TV programs when they air. We don’t even have conversations at the same time because we text. I can say “Hi” then you could respond back “Hi to you” immediately or in an hour or never.
The point is we respond when it is convenient/important to “US” personally to respond. This is the whole reason we designed Clay. Candidates may not necessarily be free during the day (especially those that like 2nd and 3rd shift). Because Clay reaches out to them first via text, they can respond by scheduling interviews ANYTIME THEY WANT TO.
How many resumes do you think we will receive in a day? Or in a week? Imagine when a resume comes in, a call is scheduled and executed within minutes of receiving it. With Clay you don’t have to imagine it, it’s just what he does!
Is the weekend a great time to reach your candidates? Clay “comes in” every Saturday and Sunday and make the calls while you are enjoying time with family and friends. What about weeknights? How late would you expect candidate screening to be done on your behalf?
Clay makes sure no candidate is overlooked then triages ALL incoming candidates for the best fit. He then provides a stacked ranking of all candidates, leaving no potential employee stone unturned. He discovers and prioritizes who’s most important for our customer to interview.

Crucial Link is committed to ensuring our Owner Operators the best, most forward-looking solutions available!
Clay makes sure no candidate is overlooked then triages ALL incoming candidates for the best fit. He then provides a stacked ranking of all candidates, leaving no potential employee stone unturned. He discovers and prioritizes who’s most important for our customer to interview.